Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
Katy Perry beating Taylor Swift in the Forbes list of highest-paid musician in 2018 could attract fans of lower-end pop. But the real excitement is in the Forbes top 10 list, in which a potential challenger might be located. Helene Fischer is listed as No. 8 on Forbes' Top 10 list, close to Rihanna and ahead of Celine Dion as well Britney Spears. Who? An American-Russian actress who has a very tight-lipped personality and is determined to retain her status as an "normal woman". In her extensive interviews, she only mentions that she likes artisanal butter. Her lover, who is a German television star was surprised to see her face tattooed across his arm. Fischer 34, in tame biographical terms is the superstar for Germanys Schlager Scene. The sound tends towards two directions. The first is a kind of bierhalle bop that oompahs over issues involving booze babes as well as the Bundesrepublik. Fischer embodies it: The loyal woman whose heart beats in a trance, her breathing slows, when she hears about how her husband plays up his feminine flaws to invoke the protective impulses. Traditional themes from Schlager are an excellent counterpoint to western-influenced pop music that invaded Germany after the Second World War. There are countless Schlager specials available on television that are a hit with the baby Boomers. Fischer puts one out every year, an edgy show with an all-star cast. The show makes Jools' Annual Hootenanny resemble Channel 4s' Club X. Schlager shares the same casual feel as country music, but Fischer brought it up to date with an aggressive synth pop version. She is like a German Taylor Swift. Swifts musical evolution has transformed her into a cool person, while Fischer's music is utterly awful.
Claudia Wells was an American actor, born Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, but born within San Francisco CA. Wells became famous for acting as Jennifer Parker Marty McFly in the 1985 Back to the Future film. Wells appeared alongside a variety of famous actors in the anti drug music videos commissioned by the Reagan regime. Then, in 1985, she was the lead character in the TV movie Babies Having Babies. This was a television version of Fast Times from 1982. Claudia stopped her acting career in spite of her great success in the industry of entertainment. Her mother was diagnosed as having cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia is recognized for more than 50 episodes of film, TV and stage. However, she believes the best career in screen is ahead of her as she continues look for gritty and unconventional roles. Claudia Wells manages Armani Wells a clothing boutique specifically for males. The website has more information.

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